

For eighteen years Jabarr Harper has sat tirelessly at his computer shaping images, constructing designs and developing strategies to transform dreams into reality.  This self-taught graphic/web designer has used his keen eye for detail and his elaborate knowledge of marketing and promotions to catapult clients to new levels of success regardless of the market or industry.

As a former music artist and producer, Harper began his graphic design career using his experiences as an artist and promoter to design CD artwork and promotional material for other artists.  Left Thought Creations, the original name of his company, quickly developed a reputation for giving its customers “digital wings” by utilizing various facets of media to give users a multidimensional experience.

His endless list of clients includes independent artists, entertainment companies, small and medium-sized businesses, churches and an array of entrepreneurs and nonprofit organizations.  From developing superior websites, web advertisements and web banners to designing eye-catching logos, business cards, brochures, postcards, CD cover artwork, posters and t-shirts, Harper has created an interminable demand for his brand.